Concentrated aqueous solution of potassium methylsiliconate.
The majority of building materials of mineral origin are porous and, accordingly, can be saturated with water like a sponge. Wet building materials have significantly increased thermal conductivity. A mere 10% increase in the moisture content of traditional brick leads to a 1.5-fold increase in thermal conductivity.
Cyclic freezing and thawing gradually expands the pores of the material and leads to a reduction in the service life of the structures.
One of the most reliable and cost-effective solutions for increasing the quality and service life of building materials is treatment with the water-repellent (hydrophobic) impregnating agent Aquaproff.
Treating outdoor surfaces with Aquaproof enables:
- extending the life of the structures by 3-5 times, preventing the adhesion of mosses and lichens;
- increasing the frost resistance of the buildings by 2-3 times and 1.5-2 times the frost and corrosion resistance.
- a 1.5-fold reduction in water absorption;
- heat preservation, reducing the thermal conductivity of wall and roof structures;
- avoiding white fades;
- increasing their resistance to contamination.
For processing the surface of brick, concrete, foam concrete, shell limestone, gypsum products, asbestos concrete, clay products, marble and other porous materials;
For the impregnation of bulk materials (lime, cement) used in the production of masonry mortar.
Materials treated with the Aquaproof product are almost impermeable to water, their frost resistance and thermal insulation capacity increase, and the adhesion of mosses and lichens to their surface is reduced.
At the same time, the external appearance of the machined surface and its vapor permeability remain unchanged.
The material is non-toxic, fire and explosion proof, but has alkaline properties.
During work, wear rubber gloves, safety glasses, spray from the wind, and a respirator.